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Focused on becoming a battery material supplier, Elcora sells first manganese order and prepares vanadium assets

Reading Time: 3 minutes

During an interview between Troy Grant, Founder, CEO and Director of Elcora Advanced Materials Corp. (TSXV: ERA), and Tracy Weslosky from InvestorIntel, several key points were discussed surrounding Elcora’s manganese and vanadium milestones towards production. Troy confirmed that Elcora is currently selling manganese and has successfully shipped trial shipments to two customers. Preparing for shipments to four additional customers, Elcora’s ultimate goal is to become a fully vertically integrated battery material supplier.

Troy emphasized the importance of their manganese assets in Morocco and their aim to generate cash flow from them. The demand for manganese is strong, and they are focused on meeting that demand as quickly as possible. He explained that the percentage of manganese in the product determines its pricing, with higher percentages commanding higher prices. Elcora’s target is to build a production plant capable of producing 20,000 tons of manganese per month. They estimate that it will take 8 to 12 months to reach this level of production.

The discussion also touched upon Elcora’s vanadium production. Troy mentioned that they have been working with Dr. Ian Flint to complete a preliminary assessment on their vanadium assets in Morocco. The initial test results for their vanadium concentrate product are positive, and they are currently testing it with smelters in Europe and Asia. If the results are encouraging, they could start generating cash flow from vanadium production within six months.

Troy expressed optimism about the future, stating that they expect encouraging news regarding vanadium production and the commissioning of the manganese production plant in the next quarter. Overall, Troy’s update showcased Elcora’s progress and their focus on meeting the demand for manganese and exploring the potential of vanadium production for the Company.

To access the full InvestorIntel interview, click here

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About Elcora Advanced Materials Corp.

Elcora was founded in 2011 and has been structured to become a vertically integrated battery material company. Elcora can process, refine, and produce battery related minerals and metals. As part of the vertical integration strategy Elcora has developed a cost-effective process to purify high-quality battery metals and minerals that are commercially scalable. This combination means that Elcora has the tools and resources for vertical integration of the battery minerals and metals industry.

To know more about Elcora Advanced Materials Corp., click here

Disclaimer: Elcora Advanced Materials Corp. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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